Now a lot of people do not know how to use computer maintenance, computer runs slower, more and more cards, this time to complain about the computer bad, unless it is actually low computer cards, computer hardware configuration too slow, more because they do not pay attention to about computer maintenance caused by the author below to tell you in detail about how to maintain your computer.
Pay Attention to the Ambient Temperature
From the external environment to start, pay attention to the ambient temperature. Home computer working environment standard temperature range should be maintained during the summer between 24 degrees Celsius to 18 degrees Celsius in winter. Under normal circumstances, ambient temperature 19-22 ℃ is most appropriate. When summer when ambient temperatures exceeding 30 degrees centigrade, it should consider open air conditioning to aid cooling, otherwise prone to instability, reboots, and symptoms such as panic. Of course the true temperature under normal circumstances it is impossible to do this for, but never in an environment of high temperature and low temperature using the computer, is not under proper temperature conditions and try not using a computer for a long time.
Pay Attention to Dust Pay attention to dust and harm of dust on the computer is fairly large, too much dust inside the computer, will hinder the computer's cooling system, resulting in a PC computer CPU temperature is too high, slow operation card, computer blue screens, shutdown, severe cases even hardware damage. So, first do not use computers much dust environments, the second requires surface clean of dust on computers every day, monthly clean up the dust inside the computer.
Note Switch order
Note switch order, although the switch operation is very simple, but also need to have the correct order of operations, long-term incorrect switching opportunities to cause damage to the computer hard drive, the system initializes the disorders and other problems. Remember boot sequence, generally when on a first and remove peripherals (that is, other than the mainframe part) opened after the host, clearance hosts peripherals when shutting down.